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1864 Confederate States of America $10 Note


Title: Confederate States of America $10 Note

Maker: Evans & Cogswell

Printers: Keating & Ball, Columbia, South Carolina, lithographers

Material: Lithograph on Laid paper, type, ink

Origin: [Virginia, Richmond]

Date: 1864

Dimensions: OH:  3 1/8” (7.9 cm); OW:  7 1/16” (18.0 cm)

Specific Details:

Lithographed ten-dollar bill printed in black on red fiber pape; wide borders on left and right sides; on left side “TEN”; on right side “10” in a seal (upper right) and a portrait of R.M.T. Hunter, a CSA cabinet member (lower right). Main text: Serial letter “E” in upper left and right corners/ (in serpentine frames left and right) “two years after/ the/ ratification of a/ treaty of peace/ between” and “the confederate/ states/ and the/ united states of America.”/ N o 78950 on both sides of a vignette of field artillery/ the Confederate States of America/ Will pay ten dollars to Bearer/ Richmond. February 17th 1864. [Illegible signature]  for Regr A Baker for Treasr./ Keatinge & Ball Columbia, S.C.” Parallel to left border “Ptd by Evans & Cogswell” and “8 Series.” Reverse of bill printed in blue. Design: “10” in seals at four corners; “TEN” in large letters in center; “ten” in center of upper and lower borders.



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